Solutions for:

Tech-forward Enterprises

Our infrastructure automation tool for enterprise tech companies uses cutting-edge technologies and DevOps best practices to future-proof your systems for upcoming challenges.

  • Platform engineering
  • Automation of DevOps and SRE tasks
  • Reusable infrastructure templates
  • Seamless CI/CD integration
  • Knowledge sharing through the code Solves Multiple Problems for Tech-forward Enterprises

Challenge Solution
Developers overloaded with ops tasks. The growth of cloud-native means that there is a requirement to closely involve developers in operational tasks, but the complexity of DevOps tools is a barrier that raises the entry level for them. enables the creation of developer platforms, optimizing the time of SRE and DevOps teams and boosting developers’ productivity and performance by providing them with the necessary deployment and monitoring tools.
Manual reproduction of stack configuration. A DevOps team often assembles stack components from scratch for a new operating environment, which is a lengthy and complex process.'s templating engine allows you to build common infrastructure patterns that combine various technologies. Thanks to infrastructure codification, these patterns are easily reusable and customizable.
Implementation of CI/CD pipelines. Creating new environments necessitates means of code delivery and propagating changes.
Infrastructures started by enable seamless integration with CI/CD cloud-native tooling by default.
Disparate information and tribal knowledge. Infrastructure information is often limited to a specific group of maintainers, restricting the modification process to a select few.'s enterprise computing software automates infrastructure and stores it in a Git repo, centralizing dispersed knowledge and providing clear accountability for infrastructure changes.

How It Works

1. Scalability and Resource Management offers automated resource scaling based on demand. This flexibility means that cloud service providers can efficiently allocate resources, ensuring they have the right capacity to meet the needs of their clients.
2. Automated Deployment
Our platform streamlines software deployment and orchestration. Organizations can set up infrastructure templates and quickly deploy applications, reducing manual effort.
3. Cost Optimization dynamically manages resource allocation, optimizing cost-efficiency for an organization. This will eliminate resource waste and help to deliver cost-effective services.
4. Infrastructure Customization
Organizations can customize infrastructure setups to align with a client's business requirements. This tailored approach using our enterprise cloud technology enhances client satisfaction and loyalty.
5. Accelerated Time-to-Market expedites time-to-market for cloud services. Organizations can rapidly deploy complex infrastructures and thereby speed up the time it takes to offer new services to clients.

Our Clients & Reviews

Problem: Old infrastructure was hard to manage as it was not fully described in code. What has been described didn’t match the real configuration.
Solution: The infrastructure has been transitioned under management. All working is done via infrastructure repository, ensuring exact correspondence of code to infrastructure.
Problem: Highload customer websites needed a new infrastructure with dynamic resource allocation, deployed on a cloud with affordable prices.
Solution: has been customized for working with DigitalOcean cloud provider. A dedicated template has been designed to deploy a fault-tolerant infrastructure for WordPress.
Problem: Backendless faced the challenge of adapting a platform for a growing number of enterprise customers utilizing public cloud services.
Solution: The templating solution enabled the Backendless team to swiftly deploy their enterprise SaaS in customers' cloud accounts while integrating seamlessly with the company’s essential services.
Ewa finance
Ewa finance
Problem: Each project needed a separate infrastructure for prod, dev and stage, with the possibility to shut down dev and stage infras beyond working time to save costs.
Solution: We used one of the stack templates to replicate the environments. The template spins up fully provisioned infras in different AWS accounts and shuts them down when needed.

Ready to get started?

Interested in seeing our solution in action? Contact us to schedule a demo tailored to your specific needs. Witness how our solution can solve your deployment challenges.
How does support the adoption of new technologies and practices within an enterprise? promotes the adoption of new technologies and practices by enabling easy integration and experimentation within your infrastructure. Its templating engine and modular architecture allow for quick adoption of cutting-edge technologies and DevOps best practices, facilitating a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.

Can help in reducing the learning curve for new developers and SREs in our organization?

Yes, definitely. By encapsulating complex infrastructure patterns into reusable templates, abstracts away most of operational complexities, enabling infrastructure management even for non-technical staff.

What kind of performance metrics can be tracked and optimized with

Thanks to its default integration with the Grafana-Prometheus monitoring stack, allows for monitoring of a wide range of performance metrics, both infrastructure- and application-specific. The metrics may include response time, server resource usage, deployments fail rate or any other custom parameter required for testing system performance.


How does facilitate collaboration between development and operations teams?

As an IaC tool, supports infrastructure codification and storing infrastructure code in a Git repository. This approach makes the code accessible for both development and operations teams, encouraging transparency, accountability, and seamless collaboration.

How can contribute to cost savings for tech-forward enterprises? contributes to cost savings by providing clear visibility of the resources deployed on a single or across multiple cloud platforms. This makes it easier to calculate and manage cloud costs effectively. It also supports cloud native scaling mechanisms to enable dynamic resource allocation and cost optimization strategies on a given cloud platform.